
Hollow knight map pdf
Hollow knight map pdf

hollow knight map pdf

Schrödinger's Gun: He can spawn in two different locations in Deepnest depending on where the player entered from.According to Iselda, this is a common happening and he'll likely be asleep for a long time. Post-Victory Collapse: Once you've bought all of Cornifer's maps, and he has nothing left to explore, he'll go back home and finally collapse into his bed, sleeping until you finish the game.Is Serious Business: A good hint of the dangers Deepnest has is that when you find Cornifer, instead of humming happily while scribbling away at his map he's visibly terrified and quiet.

Hollow knight map pdf Patch#

  • Notice This: A patch added two signs of Cornifer's presence in a room: scattered pieces of paper and the sound of him humming.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Implied, when the Grimm Troupe arrives, Iselda feels compelled to specifically tell Cornifer to not interact with them, because, according to her, "his heart and his mind are a little too open sometimes.".
  • Early Personality Signs: He relates to the Knight that even as a newborn hatchling, he would wander off and explore the places around him, which would lead to a lifelong love of exploring and charting out the unknown.
  • Dungeon Shop: Cornifer sells you maps on the areas where you can find him (he appears in all mapped locations).
  • Unless you're well prepared, I'd urge you to leave, though if you're feeling strong enough to descend, would you like to buy m-my meagre map? Even with my good head for direction, I-I-I've had enough. Vicious little creatures burst out all o-over the place and the passages are a dark, twisting maze. I've tried to chart the dense nest beneath here b-b-but it's proving too dangerous for a bug like me.
  • Developer's Foresight: If you have never spoken to him before, Cornifer will have a unique dialogue in Deepnest where he introduces himself in a paranoid tone.
  • Calling Card: If you clear a region without finding Cornifer and buying his map, he'll leave behind a card with a symbol of his glasses inviting you to buy the region map at their store.
  • Bold Explorer: Cornifer is by his own admission getting on in years, and every map you buy from him is incomplete, but he still arrives to every new location in the game world well before the Knight does.
  • When you get the Dream Nail, though, you discover that not only did she willingly abandon a prestigious warrior career to settle down with her beloved Corny, she’s literally never been happier in her whole life and never regretted it even a single bit.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Iselda behaves very surly and depressed when you meet her at first, miffed at being left behind to tend the counter in a tiny shop while Cornifer is off charting ruins.
  • If you beat the boss of an area after failing to find Cornifer's location, or if you've destroyed all three Dreamers, he'll move away and leave the map he would've sold you in his store at Dirtmouth Town.
  • In a later update, Cornifer's trademark humming and scattered papers were added to make him much easier to find as long as you can get within a few screens of him.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Iselda usually calls her husband Corny.
  • Cornifer is extremely passionate about mapmaking and thus is often found in the depths of Hallownest charting the various regions, leaving Iselda to run their store. The husband in a married couple who run a cartography store in the village of Dirtmouth. For example, Cornifer's namecard will not appear, not even in subsequent encounters unless he is listened to again after his initial dialogue.
  • Painting the Medium: Most friendly NPCs' names won't appear on the screen unless they properly introduce themselves first, with the dialogue syncing with the name card pop-up once they do so.
  • Averted with Myla after she becomes hostile, where she can be permanently killed.

    hollow knight map pdf

    Some few characters can be hit with the nail however, but they will just shrug it off like it's nothing. Invulnerable Civilians: There's no way you can kill or damage NPCs in this game, as most attacks will simply pass through.When the Knight moves around, the NPCs' look at it, turning their heads without having to adjust their entire bodies. Ambidextrous Sprite: Downplayed for most of the NPCs that you can interact with, since their sprites either have fixed or mirrored orientations depending on the scene.Tropes that collectively apply to a majority of NPCs listed here.

    Hollow knight map pdf